Thursday 4 November 2010

Beauty and the Beast

It has been a beastly day one of those days when you wish you were somehow able to stop the treadmill and catch your breathe for a moment, a day when life moves too fast and you just want to sit and reflect and relax with the children for an hour or so rather than rush around like a demented blue bottle, getting the homework done, feeding them the hungry hordes whilst at the same time watching the clock feverishly before dashing them hither and thither to sports clubs, and their other numerous social engagments. It is with relief then I see Friday looming on the horizon like a lifeboat and the promise of a night spent flopping in a heap on the sofa and watching something with an exciting story followed by a happy ending and eating homemade pizza and popcorn together with the phone unplugged and the lights down.

Tonight we have an old favourite of Eldest and mine on the evenings agenda, "Beauty and the Beast". When she was little we spent many a happy wet autumnal afternoon enjoying the antics of talking teapots and truculent tureens but it was a story I never thought to introduce the boys too, I'm not sure why, possibly as I thought it was too girly? Anyway thanks to the frequent cinema performances put on for free to local schools my boys met Belle and Gaston in the old black and white 1950's version recently and came home full of it and demanding to know why we had never watched the Disney version, so I was very pleased to get the new Blu ray Disney version to make up for my tardiness as entertainments officer.

Set in an 18th century French village , not unlike the one we live in, they were wrapped from the very begining of the story and who can blame them it as after all one of the most acclaimed Disney films and in Blu ray it is even more enticing. For my daughter it was the sweet Belle who captured both her and the Beasts heart for the boys it was the daring do of it all and the hilarious caperings of furniture and cutlery rahter than the love interest that engaged them.

So if you want an evening of light hearted entertainment why not escape with us to an enchanted chateau somewhere in France and experience the magic that is Disney. Of course if you are lucky enough to watch it on Blu ray then there are all sorts of extra bonus features, with the story behind the story, family fun and games with the Enchanted Challenge: A Disney Quest Game and- Bon Jour, Who is This? A Disney TelePlay Game as well as deleted footage to enjoy.

Come along be our guest and enjoy! Indulge yourself in an old fashioned fairytale and wallow a bit in Disney Nostalga !! its a real tonic after a hard day in the modern world!